
Spring Cleansing Strawberry Detox Water

You might wonder why is it called detox water or why did I choose the name ‘Spring Cleansing Strawberry Detox Water ‘ for this recipe. It is regular drinking water that is infused with fresh strawberries, lime, and mint. The micronutrients from these fresh ingredients dissolve into the water which help to get rid of harmful toxins from the body. Also, it is a really good alternative to sugary drinks like soda and processed fruit juice.
And it is now official that spring has arrived–I know it has been a long wait but it’s here finally. And, this strawberry detox water is perfect for the season. Get some fresh strawberries and try this detox water and get yourself ready for the summer.

I find fruit infused detox water very helpful to meet the daily requirements of water intake. I am a really poor water drinker. Therefore, I decided to do something about this habit of mine. I also tried keeping water bottles near me so that I could drink water more frequently. But it was of no use, I always kept forgetting that I do have a water bottle beside me. However, when I make such fruit infused water, its aroma keeps reminding and calling me to have a sip. The subtle aroma coming from flavored water is really inviting.

Spring Cleansing Strawberry Detox Water
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes


  •     5 large strawberries, sliced
  •     1.5 liter water
  •     half an orange, sliced into wedges
  •     6 mint leaves, hand torn


  1. Put all the ingredients in a pitcher and refrigerate for at least 2-4 hours, or overnight.
