
Healthy Vegan Blueberry Muffin Smoothie

With this muggy, hot July weather, I’m constantly waking up craving refreshing smoothies for breakfast.  This one is a REAL treat.  It literally tastes like a blueberry muffin.  Blueberry muffins are the best (but not so much with the oven in July).  This is the next best thing.  The oats make this smoothie filling the way a blueberry muffin should be.    And, I boosted the nutrition with flaxseed and hemp seeds for added fiber, healthy fats and protein.  Because this recipe is inspired by blueberry muffins I had to add cinnamon and vanilla.  Yum, yum, yum!
Blueberries, the star of this smoothie recipe, are bursting with tangy, sweet flavor and health benefits.  Blueberries are at their peak in July which is actually National Blueberry Month.  Who knew?  This smoothie is the perfect way to enjoy this nutritious gem.  Blueberries have less than 100 calories per cup while offering dietary fiber and antioxidants.  There is also evidence to support that blueberries boost memory retention and coordination.  Research shows that the antioxidants in blueberries enhance existing brain cell connections and improve neurocellular communication.  This means blueberries can help with learning and memory.  And even better, research is showing that the antioxidants in blueberries can even reverse age-related memory loss by preventing free radical damage and improving blood flow.  So while the effects of aging on the body are hard to prevent, fruits and vegetables can be some of your best offense to leading a long and healthy life.

Since July is the peak for blueberry season, you can stock up or pick you own blueberries locally and then freeze to enjoy in the months ahead.  Simply wash and blot them dry with paper towels then place in a single layer on a sheet pan.  Freeze the blueberries until they are hard and then remove from freezer.  Place the blueberries in a freezer proof resealable plastic bag and return to the freezer.  Use within nine months.  If you want to use the blueberries outside of this recipe and need to thaw them you can place the filled bag in a bowl of cold water for 10 minutes.

Healthy Vegan Blueberry Muffin Smoothie
Love blueberries and this smoothie looks delicious! Definitely going to give this one a try. It’ll make the perfect snack or even a breakfast drink.


  •     2 cups Milk or Almond Milk
  •     1 1/2 cup Old-Fashioned Oats
  •     2 1/2 cups Blueberries, fresh or frozen
  •     1 cup Vanilla Yogurt or Greek Yogurt, frozen
  •     1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
  •     2 Tbsp. Honey
  •     Large Handful of Ice
  •     1/2 tsp. Cinnamon


    Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Serve immediately.
